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Top Notch Tuesday | January 31st, 2023

Top Notch Tuesday | January 31st, 2023


We are back with our Top Notch Tuesday playlist. Check out the full tracks and reviews below!

Michael Cappetto | “Where Are You My Love”

New Jersey born artist, Michael Cappetto just released a new track, “Where Are You My Love.” This is such a powerful start to our Top Notch Tuesday playlist. The instrumentals are energetic and pair well with his vocals. The 80’s and 90’s influences throughout the song is refreshing as well. He has one of those voices that cuts through the music and demands your attention. Definitely a standout this week. Make sure to add this one to your playlists.

young friend | “feral canadian scaredy cat”

Marbled between a mid-century style icon and internet-age DIY polymath, young friend is hard to ignore. He wears a love for the antique on his sleeve, of vintage cars and European architecture, but remains just as comfortable and street smart in the urban sprawl of his native Vancouver, Canada. He just released a new track, “feral canadian scaredy cat.” This is more of an acoustic piano driven performance, which is perfect, considering how strong his vocals are. He has such a beautiful voice, which is put on full display in the new track. Even once you get into heavier instrumentals, his voice is still pushed to the forefront of the song. Such a strong vocal performance. Make sure to add this one to your playlists.

Rowan Drake | “Elephant In The Room”

We have previously featured Rowan Drake, with his single, “Hollow.” Now, he is back with a new track, “Elephant In The Room.” As I have said before, he has one of my favorite voices that I have been able to cover. This is more of an acoustic track, and it pretty much forces his voice to the front of the song and lets in shine. He has the rare story-telling ability that a lot of songwriters dream of. His voice is absolutely stunning. Another one of my favorites this week. Make sure to add this one to your playlists.

See Also
New Music Friday

Lovejack | “Do You Love Me”

Lovejack (Brian Webb) is a dark pop solo artist channeling a musical style that has been described as Tim Burton’s and Johnny Depp’s love child. Lovejack’s twisted musicality spins love and sorrow into a complex, heartfelt call for affection. He recently released a new track, “Do You Love Me.” This song caught me off guard with how good it is. I am used to listening to good tracks, but this one is on a different level. This is more of a stripped down track, which focuses on his vocals and the story of the song. When I listened to this track, it felt like I was hearing it in a movie. One of my favorite songs I have heard in a long time. A perfect end to our Top Notch Tuesday playlist. Make sure to add this one to your playlists.

What did you think of our Top Notch Tuesday playlist? Stay tuned to for all your music news and reviews.

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