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New Release Friday – Side B | June 24th 2022

New Release Friday – Side B | June 24th 2022

New Release Friday

We have so many new releases for the day, we had to break it up into Side A and B. Here are the new releases for our New Release Friday – Side B. Check out the full tracks and reviews below!

Michael Taylor | “Burning Underwater”

Michael Taylor just released, “Burning Underwater.” This is such a great song. It starts out with minimal instrumentals but has a build to it, which is contagious. With this build, it also lets his vocals shine in the perfect places. He has a strong voice that he showcases beautifully. This is definitely one that should be added to your playlists.

Estella Dawn | “Cringe”

We have featured Estella Dawn a few times on the site with her previous releases. You can tell by our previous reviews that we are fans over here at Music On The Rox. She is super talented and it is refreshing to hear her voice in all of the different singles. Cringe is really vocal driven which is perfect, considering how strong her vocals her. Her range is absolutely insane. I am glad that she is still pushing her voice through every release. Make sure to add this one to your playlists.

Skeleton Ocean | “Ride Away”

See Also
Tune in Thursday

Skeleton Ocean just released, “Ride Away.” Skeleton Ocean is pop music produced and created by Joseph Hoskins in Denver, Colorado. This track just proves how talented Joseph is. The backing track and instrumentals are stellar. His voice is perfectly suited for this type of music. It is put at the forefront of the track which lets it soar. Skeleton Ocean is obviously a force to watch out for. Make sure to add this one to your playlists.

What did you think of our Side B of our New Release Friday? Sound off in the comments.

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