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Lost Saints | “We Don’t Fight” – Acoustic

Lost Saints | “We Don’t Fight” – Acoustic

Lost Saints

Lost Saints is back with an acoustic version of their hit, “We Don’t Fight.” You may remember that we previously reviewed the original version back in June. Here are some of the takeaways from the original.

“We Don’t Fight,” is their debut single written by Chris Biano alongside Brandon Chase and Ethan Hulse. The song starts off with some infectious instrumentals. The vocals are outstanding in this song. The harmonies are spot on. Each of them have an incredible range that will take them far in Nashville. This song is giving off Lady Antebellum vibes and it’s mesmerizing.

The acoustic version is just as beautiful. Their voices are to the forefront here. With their voices being showcased, it shows you just how beautiful this song is. If you are a fan of killer vocals and harmonies and storytelling songs, check out Lost Saints.

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