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New Release Friday | May 27th 2022

New Release Friday | May 27th 2022

New Release Friday

We have quite a few releases for New Release Friday. Check out the full tracks and reviews below!

Nathan Bell and Patty Griffin | “To Each Of Us (a shadow)”

This is such a great track. The instrumentals are absolutely mesmerizing. They compliment his vocals very nicely. His voice has so much depth and emotion to it. It is really refreshing to see it at the forefront of this track. He has the ability to show off his vocals all, while bringing the listener into the story. Definitely one to add to your playlists.

JP Hoe | “Out Of The Darkness”

This is such a unique and compelling track. The instrumentals are so cinematic and theatrical which really give the vocals a chance to take charge in the song. That is exactly what happens. His voice is so beautiful and is perfectly suited for this type of music. There is so much emotion in this track and he does a great job at capturing that. Make sure to add this one to your playlists.

Felicia Lu | “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”

When I first read the title of this song, I had no idea what to expect. But when I listened to it, I was absolutely blown away. It is such a heavy song with a lot of energy at the same time. The vocals are intense but beautiful too. Everything compliments each other in this track, which is rare. Make sure to add this one to your playlists.

XY&O | “Marigold”

What a cool song. That is what I am going to start with. Just an overall cool vibe to this track. It has a beach/indie vibe to it, which is refreshing. The instrumentals are strong and compliment the vocals really well. Everything just works in this new single. From the lyrics, to instrumentals/vocals, to production, everything is on point. This one is a must add to your playlists.

keni | “Bev Hills”

See Also

Apparently this week, its the week of standout indie/pop music. This is a really contagious track that is going to have you humming the melody all day long. It is so good. The instrumentals are great but those vocals are something else. Really impressive. That melody is awesome too. If you want a track to sing over and over, make sure you add this one to your playlists.

Nolie | “Picky”

Nolie just released, “Picky.” This is a really solid track. The instrumentals/effects are really well done. Vocally, it is a strong performance that deserves some recognition. Nolie gets to push the vocals to the forefront of the song, which is very beneficial. Make sure to add this one to your playlists.

Stay tuned to for all your music news and reviews.

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