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RGB Releases New Album, ‘A Place For Lovers’ | Listen Here!

RGB Releases New Album, ‘A Place For Lovers’ | Listen Here!


RGB recently released a brand new album, A Place For Lovers. Made up of singer-songwriters Roy Bartal and Noi Agam, along with keyboardist and producer Alon Kenett, they blend a fresh, sophisticated pop sound to share messages of love, joy, and happiness. They also recognize the importance of embracing life’s darker moments and sadness, viewing them as essential steps on the path back to light. As a fully independent group, the trio writes, produces, and creates all of their own music and videos. Check out the full album below!

RGB Background

RGB made their debut in 2020 with the release of their EP In Sight, which laid the foundation for their musical journey. They followed it up with their album, ‘The Art of Passing Time.’ In addition to the upbeat and positive energy that defines their music, RGB’s creative concept is rooted in their name. “RGB” stands for Red, Green, and Blue—the primary colors of subpixels on digital screens, which blend at different intensities to form all the colors we perceive. This symbolism aligns with their music, which weaves together various emotional tones to create a colorful, dynamic soundscape.

Inspired by Roy’s background in graphic design, the name reflects the fact that, as he says, “you can adjust the brightness of each color in the pixel, which changes the color of the pixel itself, just as we can adjust the vibe of our music according to our feeling at a given time and not be chained to a specific genre, mood or ‘color’.” From the start, RGB’s slogan has been “Adding color to your life.”

Album Review

According to the group, the 13-song collection is intentionally structured like a narrative, with each track contributing to a broader storyline. The album unfolds like a book, moving through the stages of exposition, conflict, climax, resolution, and epilogue, offering listeners a cohesive journey from start to finish.

This new album is truly incredible. The production quality is top-notch, showcasing a meticulous attention to detail. The vocals are outstanding in every track, with each song offering something unique and captivating. Their storytelling ability is remarkable, ensuring her narratives linger in your mind long after the music stops. This entire album is a masterclass in artistry.

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New Music

A Place for Lovers dives deeper into the complexities of relationships—touching on love, heartbreak, hope, and reconciliation. The lyrical themes feel universally relatable, which is where the band’s strength really shines. They aren’t afraid to explore the darker sides of romance, the moments of conflict, and the emotional turmoil that come with vulnerability. The juxtaposition of bright, almost playful instrumentals with deeply personal and emotional lyrics makes the listening experience all the more powerful. Don’t forget to add this new album to your playlists.

What did you think of the new album? Stay tuned to for all your music news and reviews.

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