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Daniel Herr Releases New Track, “Billy”

Daniel Herr Releases New Track, “Billy”

Daniel Herr

We have previously featured Daniel Herr with his previous release, “Live Without.” Now, he is back with a new single, “Billy.” Check out the full track and review below!

About Daniel Herr

An American raised in Paris, France, Daniel taught himself piano and guitar and sang lead vocals in the contemporary worship band of the American Church in Paris, which inspired him to start writing songs. He also studied Philosophy and French at Oxford University and worked for a year at a law-firm in Paris. He then moved back to the United States to pursue writing and recording music. Only a year after moving to Nashville, TN, Daniel signed his first publishing deal at Wrensong Publishing.


Daniel just released a new track, “Billy.” Check out the new track and review below!

“Billy,” is such a well done song. There is so much emotion embedded deep within the track. The songwriting is exceptional. This is a heartfelt story that Daniel delivers perfectly. He has the rare storytelling ability that a lot of artists strive for. His vocals are top notch. He does a great job at showing off his range, all while never losing the emotion of the song. An absolutely beautiful performance. Make sure to add this one to your playlists. If you liked the new track, you can check out some other Daniel Herr hits below!

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