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Wonderful Wednesday | May 18th 2022

Wonderful Wednesday | May 18th 2022

Wonderful Wednesday

We have a few releases for our Wonderful Wednesday playlist. Check out the tracks and reviews below!

Exxy | “eggshells”

I had the pleasure of meeting Exxy in LA at the 2022 Durango Songwriting Convention where she also performed. The new single, “eggshells,” is really well done. The backing track and instrumentals are compelling and compliment her vocals completely. The music video is beautifully shot as well. Exxy is super talented and deserves to be added to your playlists.

Nuclēaria | “Like I Do (Seen the Inside)”

The new single by Nuclēaria is such a great track. The instrumentals are really well done and do a great job at showing off the energy of the song. Vocally, it is stunning. The vocals are pushed to the forefront which is very beneficial, considering how strong his voice is. This is definitely one that should be added to your playlists.

Greta Stanley | “Plant My Feet”

See Also

Greta Stanley just released a new track, “Plant My Feet.” The new single is really compelling. Instrumentally, it is beautiful but the standout here are the vocals. Her voice is really strong and is pushed to the forefront of the track, which is smart. Make sure to add this one to your playlists.

What do you think about our Wonderful Wednesday releases?

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