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Leen | “Still Make Your Tea”

Leen | “Still Make Your Tea”


Leen just released a new single, “Still Make Your Tea.” Check out the full track and review below!

Having a very big passion for music and being someone who went through a lot of difficulties would absolutely be good enough reason to create music that inspire. Leen is this kind of artist who started a music career from scratch. After losing almost everything, her home being destroyed and her youth being ruined by the war in Syria. She left her family by the age of 18 and immigrated to Sweden.

Leen went from a girl who dreaming was the only thing she could do to writing songs, producing and being on radio interview, newspaper and singing in several festivals and concerts. 

“Still Make Your Tea,” is a beautifully heartbreaking masterpiece. The instrumentals are captivating and compliment her voice perfectly. Vocally, the new single is impressive. She has the kind of voice that just cuts through and makes you want to keep listening. Make sure to add this one to your playlists.

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