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Jasmine Crowe | “Invisible String”

Jasmine Crowe | “Invisible String”

Jasmine Crow Invisible String

Jasmine Crowe is back with a new single, “Invisible String.” Check out the full track and review below!

Born and raised on the Big Island of Hawaii, Pop artist, songwriter, and producer Jasmine Crowe speaks to her audience about relatable topics such as mental health and addiction, all set to the tune of upbeat and catchy pop melodies. Crowe took Grand Prize “Song of the Year” in the John Lennon Songwriting Competition with her 2018 single “Breaking Things.” Crowe is a multi-instrumentalist skilled at piano, guitar and violin, and puts her talent as a producer to use, incorporating all of her skills into every song she creates. 

“Invisible String,” is such an impressive song. The instrumentals are great but the real standout here are her vocals. She has such a great voice that is very captivating. Her range and vocal control is incredible. The way she goes from head voice to full voice is amazing. Such a great song that should be added to your playlists.

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