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Christine Ekeberg | “Layers of Me”

Christine Ekeberg | “Layers of Me”

Christine Ekeberg

Christine Ekeberg just released a new track, “Layers of Me.” Check out the full track and review below!

Norwegian pop artist Christine Ekeberg plays with dualism in both her sound and aesthetics. Sophisticated but always approachable, electropop but at times acoustic. A well-trained singer and pop songwriter that has spent a lot of her life on stage, Ekeberg’s vocal performance reminds of figures like Ella Henderson and Demi Lovato. 

An overachiever performing artist, Christine Ekeberg has been participating in contests from an early age. She won her first talent competition at the age of 12 and performed two of her own songs at Norway’s finale of the Global Battle of the Bands in 2008. After winning this contest, she sang them at the world final at the Scala in London the same year. 

Now, Christine Ekeberg is back with a new track, “Layers of Me.” This new track is absolutely heart wrenching. The instrumentals are beautiful too. The real standout here are the vocals though. Christine does a great job at showcasing the emotion of the song and showing off her range throughout the song. Absolutely stunning vocal performance. This is one that should be added to your playlists.

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