NEW Music On The Rox Interview Series!

Music On The Rox

Do you ever wish that you could see your favorite celebrities be interviewed while downing a glass of wine? Now is your chance to help get that started. We are now accepting donations for Music On The Rox – “The Interview Series.” Click the image below for more information on the series, and how to donate.


We were recently given the green light to film a pilot episode, which is super exciting.We just need the funding. And where else better than the fans that will be watching the series. You may be familiar with the Day Drinking series, which featured Kelly Clarkson and Rhianna. This would be sort of like that, but more organized, and shine a light on the celebrity, and the venue as well. If you are interested in donating, click the image above, or you can click here.

Just remember that all donations go to making this one of a kind show and you will not be disappointed. Plus, if you donate, you may even have some artist merch sent your way. So what are you waiting on? Go ahead and go donate here and get ready for a wonderful show.

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