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Tune In Thursday | December 1st, 2022

Tune In Thursday | December 1st, 2022

Tune in Thursday

We are back with our Tune In Thursday playlist. Check out the full tracks and reviews below!

Cooper Greer | “Whiskey Lies”

Independent artist, Cooper Greer, recently released a new track, “Whiskey Lies.” This is such a well done song. The instrumentals are really compelling and show off his vocals perfectly. He has one of those voices that is made for this genre. Such a beautiful performance that you are going to have on repeat. Make sure to add this one to your playlists.

Emei | “Backtrack”

With her dripping vocals, colorful lyrics, and slicing wit, viral alt-pop artist Emei has rapidly built up a fan base over the past year. Leaning on over a decade of stage experience, Emei invites audiences into her world, leading them through her hyper-relatable musings on young adult life. She just released a new track, “Backtrack.” The backing track/instrumentals are really cool and pair well with her vocals. Her vocals are front and center of the track, which is smart considering how strong her vocals are. Definitely a standout this week. Make sure to add this one to your playlists.

Anna Vee | “Feeling This Way”

Billlboard featured songwriter Anna Vee from Sweden has worked with well known artists throughout her career. Anna had her debut as an artist back in 2016 and has since then reached millions of streams with great support from Spotifys most attractive playlists. She just released a new track, “Feeling This Way,” from A Miracle Before Christmas Soundtrack. The instrumentals are absolutely beautiful. They set her vocals up to soar throughout the song. She has a tone and delivery that can’t be taught. Such a beautiful holiday song. Make sure to add this one to your playlists.

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New Music

Elvis Drew | “Ignore My Face”

Elvis Drew has over 300k+ Monthly listeners, a Double Gold Record, and 15M+ views on Youtube. He just released a new track, “Ignore My Face.” This is such a well done track. The backing track is compelling and pairs perfectly with his vocals. He has such a unique and strong voice, which is at full display in this new track. The production is also on point. A strong song to end our Tune in Thursday playlist. Make sure to add this one to your playlists.

What did you think of the Tune in Thursday playlist? Stay tuned to for all your music news and reviews.

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